Garden Topiary Cones

Give your outdoor space a classy and unique look with these topiary cones. These artfully pruned shrubs and trees add visual interest to your garden. With its rounded edges, the cone-shaped plant can make any garden look more stylish. 

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The versatility of topiary cones

Because of its more or less natural form, the cone topiary is possibly the easiest to maintain. The shape mirrors the angles and curves of the Yew (Ilex). Just follow those curves while pruning, and you’ll be done in no time. A single cone can provide your garden with a focal point by placing it at the end of a path or in the centre of your garden. Create a more structural and spacious look by placing two cones on either side of an entrance. The possibilities are endless.

Buy topiary cones from Tendercare.

You will find multiple cone-shaped species in this category. Do you prefer the Box plant (Buxus), Holly (Ilex) or Yew (Taxus)? Please note that all the plants in this category can be taken through a standard garden gate of at least 80-90 centimetres. Want to go bigger? We also have mature artfully pruned topiary cones that you can order online. These plants have a width of a least 100 centimetres. If you have any questions regarding our topiary plants, feel free to contact us.

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